Monday, June 8, 2015

Katie Ray McCommas, 
 Student Expectations 

 1.  Is professor Grossman off the mark when he says “I tell my classes that if they just do what they are supposed to do and meet the standard requirements, that they will earn a C,” he said. “That is the default grade. They see the default grade as an A.” why?

 1. I don't like they way Professor Grossman  technique of grading because what he basically said in the article is if a student just does what i want them too they will get a C, that right there tells me that he is an unfair Professor, and wont give out any higher grade. In Professor Grossman opinion if a student meets the standard, and do what they are told  they will be lucky to get a C. So in students minds if the professor only gives out C's then that is the only grade that they can get, that is the highest expectation grade the students get. But also when the Article  was talking about how the students think if they work hard then that means that they deserve a B or higher, i don't like that because in the real world if you work hard your not going to get a 'A', because you did ''A GOOD JOB.'' It is an unrealistic opinion because yes if you work hard you will succeed. So in my opinion they are both off their rockers. On one hand you have students thinking they deserve a good grade because they worked hard, and on the other you have a teacher who wont give out a higher grade than a C. 

 2.  What do you think is causing students to feel entitled to receive a good grade? Is it because a grade of A is now the expected default for "average" work where in reality a grade of A denotes "above average"?  Are the students prior experiences in high school or earlier the cause?  Are parents to cause "my child is perfect so it must be the instructors fault"?  

2. These days Educations is everything to a person, Why? because of all the opportunities out there, if you don't have an education, and good grades that world closes up on you, and yes parents can be pushy but most of the time it is because they want their children to have what they never could. Expectations are becoming even higher theses day because the supply and demand for people with an education to work in their field. But with technology changing rapidly so does they schooling to understand. And also it is human instinct to be the biggest baddest toughest person there is it just hapends to be the person with the most education under their belt.  

 3.  Give your honest opinion of the article.  Do you feel you deserve grades based on your effort or is it that you earned the grade you receive because of your effort?  Anything else you would like to add?

3. I think that the article is just a publicity stunt, college hippies wanting good grades because they ''worked hard.'' Just saying you worked hard doesn't show for anything we only car about the results. I feel everyone should be graded accordingly the effort doesn't mean shit until it has an outcome.   

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